Wildlife Help


A reckless or hasty driver, a highway crossing through a species habitat, a high voltage non-isolated line, reflex glass of a block, the noise created by people in the woods – these are some of the situations that usually harm the animals. Every day a lot of wild animals are hit or even killed as a result of human activity.

Some needy animals are brought to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre – ACDB from Petrești (Vrancea county), a place where we try to give their life back, restore physical strength and release them into their natural environments.

Financed by Telekom through Te implici program, Wildlife Help aims to consolidate the intervention and salvation process of the needy wildlife, using state of art device for online monitoring, post rehabilitation monitoring and community involvement at a national level through localization and information activities.


Consolidating the intervention and salvation process of the needy wildlife, using state of art device for online monitoring, post rehabilitation monitoring and community involvement at a national level through localization and information activities.


• Setting-up the online monitoring system of the rehabilitation areas at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre – ACDB. These cameras will enable people to see through live streaming the daily activities of the Centre, watching animals being treated and rehabilitated;
• Creating TEL VERDE line where people can call and notice cases of needy animals;
• Saving the wildlife and monitoring the rehabilitated animals with tools similar to GPS-GSM Bird Tracker or GPS-GSM COLLARS;
• Informing the population about the measures taken when encountering a needy animal.


• Increasing survival and nature reintegration rate of the animals located in the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre – ACDB.
• Improving techniques and methods to integrate back into the nature the released animals after rehabilitation.
• Rapid interventions for urgent and serious cases received through TELVERDE;
• Educating and involving the population to raise awareness regarding the situations which endanger the wildlife.