It is a certainty that we are still not doing anything to change this reality, which often generates a significant impact even in protected areas declared for the protection of birds.
Although the Environmental Opinion no. 10939 of 2012 issued by the Ministry of Environment for the „Energy Strategy of Romania for the period 2007-2020” stipulates in Chapter III. 4 the obligation to analyze the alternatives for underground power lines and requires the adoption of measures for the protection of birds from electric shock and collision in future projects of modernization / refurbishment / construction of transmission and distribution power lines, in Romania none of this happens.
The poor design of these types of electrical networks allows the electrocution of some species of birds and most of them die or are seriously injured.
Many of the patients of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center – ACDB are electrocuted birds, and our team tries to save as many specimens as possible, but the solution is not in the treatment, but in the design of power lines that do not allow the electrocution of birds!