ACDB launches its new identity following the first rebranding process of an environmental NGO in Romania
Data: 9 dec. 2015

ACDB, the environmental NGO with 12 years of experience in conserving wildlife and their habitat, is launching its new branding identity today. The rebranding process was carried out pro bono by BrandFusion, the company specialized in brand strategy and design.

ACDB, the environmental NGO with 12 years of experience in conserving wildlife and their habitat, is launching its new branding identity today. The rebranding process was carried out pro bono by BrandFusion, the company specialized in brand strategy and design. The purpose of the rebranding was to make the organization visible nationally, for the expertise and know-how that define it.

The new ACDB identity talks about the relationship between the environment and wildlife and highlights the main area of action of the organization: conservation of carnivorous species, such as bear, lynx, wolf or otter. The slogan „Action for wildlife” refers to the direct way in which the organization acts to conserve wildlife. Whether it’s the rescue and rehabilitation of injured wildlife or the conservation of a protected area, ACDB is directly involved and making things happen.

„ACDB is an NGO that does serious work and has a real impact in Romania. We were impressed by their involvement and their responsible way of approaching things. And we wanted to help them be known nationally for what they really are: an action NGO for wildlife protection. The rebranding helped them define their position and compete at the image level of already established NGOs. ” – Mona Ursu, Managing Partner BrandFusion

„We wanted a new identity that would help us better communicate the organization’s mission and our expertise and, at the same time, bring us closer to our audience. Through the new ACDB identity, we hope to be able to inspire as many people as possible to act for the conservation of wildlife in our country. ” – Cosmin Stîngă, President of ACDB

The need for rebranding arose from the communication strategy of the ACDB organization, developed with the support of Invisible Nature, a consulting company that offers strategic communication solutions in the field of sustainability and nature conservation. Invisible Nature has facilitated the relationship between ACDB and BrandFusion throughout the rebranding process and will continue to work with ACDB to strengthen the new brand through strategic communication.

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