The risk of fish farms being robbed by otter is high throughout Romania, given the expansion of the distribution area of Eurasian otter.
Given this situation, it is essential for fish farmers to know the available defense options. In most cases, measures to protect fish farms, if carefully planned and adapted to each case, can be very effective and will eliminate the damage done by otter on farms.
Otter is a native species in Romania, a top predator of the natural aquatic ecosystem and an important protected species. We must understand from the beginning that we cannot eliminate the otter, and what we must do is learn to live with this flagship species of Romanian waters and use the most effective techniques to defend our fish farm.
This guide is dedicated to fish farm owners and managers who need support in managing conflict with ichthyophagous species. This guide contains all the information needed to know how to intervene in situations where our farm is attacked by the otter and find the best defense solution, to apply it on our farm and to eliminate the problem of fish predation.
It is recommended that measures to limit the entry of otter into fish farming basins be implemented from the construction phase of the farm and not adapted in the course only when this problem is identified.